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Thursday, February 11, 2010

MIRP: Leif Peng/ Muddy Pete

Leif Peng

I always figured Yukon Gold potatoes came from the Yukon. But no, the bag of 'yellow fleshed' potatoes in the basement came from nearby Shelburne, Ontario. Huh! Curious, I decided to check out Shelburne on Google Earth... and was amazed at what I saw! Yup, its "Muddy Pete", the giant potatoe monster, caught on Google's satellite photos as he tries to sneak around the outskirts of Shelburne, leaving his signature giant muddy footprints behind him . You can tell by all his many, many eyes that Pete's been hanging around for quite some time!

Thanks for the great illustration, and story to match Leif. Check out more of Leif's work on his website, flickr, twitter, or blog.


  1. I camped at a friend's potatoe farm in Shelburne twice last summer. Luckily Muddy Pete was nowhere to be seen!

  2. Awesome contribution, Leif! Love the Google Maps satellite image. Nice touch. :)


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